Skin Care Tips 4 You

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Feb 13, 2007

How To Get Healthy-Beautiful Skin

By Jerrick Foo

Your skin reflects your body health and your confidence. If you are looking for healthy, beautiful looking skin, you need to ensure you consume sufficient nutrients and protect it from any damages always.

Here are some tips on how you can achieve the look you want for your skin.


Water is a very component to having healthy and beautiful skin. Remember to have at least eight glasses of water daily. Make it a point to drink even when you are not thirsty. Limit your intake of alcohol as it dries up your skin.

Fruits & Vegetables

The greater variety of colors of fruits and vegetable, the better it is for your skin and health. As a guide, try to have 5 different daily servings of fruits, vegetables and seeds...

Essential fats

Fats are generally bad for your body. But certain fats like polyunsaturated fats are essential to the well being of your skin and health. Cold pressed seeds and oily fish are rich sources of essential fatty acids which you should add as part of your dietary plans. Always limit your red meat to less than 3 times a week. Organic, unprocessed foods should be selected instead.

Fibre-rich foods

Wholegrains, root vegetables and beans are fibre-rich foods that can improve the circulation of your blood and improves the condition of your skin. Remember not to mix these food with fatty foods like butter or any other unhealthy creams.

Dairy Products

Dairy products like milk, cheese have been purported to wreck havoc on our skin. Use alternatives like soya bean and tofu instead.

To have clear, beautiful looking skin, you should take note of what goes into your body. If you do not watch what you eat, the result could be a knock-out effect on your skin. If you are having special dietary requirements like diabetes, you should seek the advice of qualified nutritionist for a proper nutritional programme.

Jerrick is the author of Dry Skin Care – a self-help site for skin care sufferers. For more dry skin remedies, recipes, treatments and suitable dry skin products for your use, visit his website at

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Feb 12, 2007

Tips in Preventing Wrinkles

By Michael Russell

Wrinkles, facial lines, crinkles and creases. No matter how much we take care of our skin, these telltale signs of aging will eventually find its way to us. Sooner or later, each one of us will have wrinkles etched on our faces and our age will start to show. Aging may be an unavoidable event each one of us will have to go through but that does not necessarily mean that we have to endure having a prune-like complexion as we reach our senior years.

How do wrinkles develop?

The natural aging process may cause the skin to eventually thin out and the fat underneath the face to gradually disappear but these only occurs as a person reaches his or her 70s. So what really leads to the formation of wrinkles?

Among the most common factors that lead to the premature formation of wrinkles are the sun and the earth's natural gravitational pull... The ultraviolet rays of the sun actually destroy the fibrous protein of the skin known as collagen and elastin. When these proteins are damaged through constant exposure to the sun, the skin loses its natural suppleness and elasticity; giving rise to the formation of wrinkles.

The earth's natural gravitational pull also plays a significant role in this problem. "Whatever goes up must come down". This adage is a universally accepted truth and our skin is not exempted from this rule. As we get older, our facial features begin to change as the corners of the lips and our eyelids begin to drop. There are also several noticeable changes in the appearance of the nose (as its tip begins to point down) and the ears (they get longer as we grow older).

The formation of wrinkles can be unavoidable but we can follow these simple suggestions to minimize and/or delay its appearance.

. Protect your skin from the sun. The sun is the greatest factor, which hastens and aggravates the formation of wrinkles. It is therefore imperative that you religiously wear your sunscreen in every single day of your life! An effective sunscreen not only helps delay the formation of wrinkles. It also helps shield your skin from the harmful effects of the sun that can cause skin cancer. A little more bit of advice - avoid excessive sun exposure from 10:00 in the morning up until 2:00 in the afternoon when the sun's rays are the strongest.

. Use an appropriate moisturizer. Applying a good moisturizer locks in the moisture in your skin and can temporarily improve the appearance of wrinkles.

. Smoking can aggravate the appearance of wrinkles. Aside from being one of the leading causes of cancer, smoking can also promote the formation of wrinkles. It was observed that smokers noticeably have more wrinkles compared to their non-smoking counterparts. Smokers also tend to have excessive crow's feet (from squinting to avoid getting smoke in the eyes) and vertical lines around the mouth (from puffing on a cigarette).

. Modify your sleeping habits. If you favor sleeping on your side with your face pressed on your pillow, you may now consider making a vital change. Sleeping on your back may greatly reduce the formation of facial lines and creases.

. Facial expressions. Consider modifying some of your facial expressions to avoid having creases and lines in places where they are not welcome.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Skin Care

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Feb 11, 2007

The Best Sunscreen For Total Skin Protection

By Joseph Ducat

Don’t you love the feel of the warm sun on your skin? Do you happen to have your sunscreen on? Well, you better. Dermatologists recommend that you use sunscreen everyday--no matter what the weather or season. Ultraviolet rays are invisible, and they can penetrate the clouds. They scatter everywhere in daytime at all times of the year. And they cause your skin to age prematurely. If you want to keep your skin youthful, you have to protect yourself by using a sunscreen daily.

Let me explain the dangers of ultraviolet rays more clearly. These are forms of radiation that are produced by the sun, and they have toxic and carcinogenic effects on the human body. There are several types of ultraviolet rays, referred to as UVA, UVB, and UVC. UVB is the most harmful and is the type responsible for causing sunburn. The physical damage wrought by UVB light can make you susceptible to skin cancer...

UVA radiation is thought to be less harmful but it has the most damaging effect on your skin. When UVA light reaches your body, it excites the oxygen molecules around your skin, turning them into free radicals--which are highly reactive and toxic molecules of oxygen. Free radicals can react with the elastin proteins that help keep your skin youthful. This damages the proteins, and they become less able to keep your skin firm and elastic, causing the formation of wrinkles.

You need a sunscreen that can protect you from both UVA and UVB radiation. Many commercial sunscreens are mainly effective only against UVB rays. If you want to care for your skin, you need to find a sunscreen that also provides UVA protection. You can find one by checking the ingredient labels of sunscreens for the presence of UVA-filtering chemical compounds. Such compounds would include zinc oxide, titanium oxide, and octocrylene.

In 2006, the US FDA approved the use of the compound Mexoryl in sunscreens. This was good news for dermatologists, who considered products using Mexoryl to be the most effective agents for blocking UVA rays, and thus superior to other sunscreens. With such high recommendations, a Mexoryl-type sunscreen is certainly a must-have for anyone concerned about keeping their skin fresh and youthful. Note, however, that Mexoryl, despite its superior qualities, does not block the entire spectrum of ultraviolet radiation, so you would want to use a product that contains it in combination with other sunscreen agents.

Learn more about anti-aging skin care and find more information at

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Taking Care of Dry Skin

By Mia LeCron

There are usually three types of skin, ranging from oily to combination and dry skin. It is important that you realize the right way to take care for your skin type. Most people over look the fact that they have a particular type of skin, and continue to care for their skin in a way that does not suit or benefit them.

If you have dry skin, you should care for it by trying to add moisture. There are numerous products out that help care for your dry skin. If you have dry skin on your legs and arms, you should try using a moisturizing lotion daily. Lotions should be applied when you have finished showering; this will help keep your legs feeling silky and smooth. Many people seem to have problems with dry skin on their face, this too requires extra care. The skin on your face is very sensitive, and it is also the most noticed part of your body...

Dry skin needs to be cared for and washed often, but gently. When washing your face, make sure you never use hot water. The deposits in the water are too drying. Adding moisturizer after cleansing your face will help make your dry skin look better. When you wash your face, you should use a soap to care for your skin that is specifically formulated for dry skin.

Home Remedies to Treat Dry Skin

There are many products out there to help you care for your dry skin. There are also some recipes that you can use at home in your own kitchen. Some of those are listed below:

Morning skin rejuvenator and cleanser:

1 teaspoon of orange juice
1 egg yolk
1 teaspoon of olive oil
3 drops of rose water
4 drops of lemon juice

Mix all of the ingredients together and use as a cleanser in the morning.

Avocado Facial:

Avocado is a naturally rich moisturizer that is perfect for caring for dry skin.

Take one avocado and mash it until it is a creamy texture. You can then apply the mixture to both your face and neck. Leave it on for 15 minutes, and then rinse off as normal. You will instantly notice how soft and smooth your skin will feel.

Things to Remember

You should care for your skin on a daily basis. Try to avoid touching your face frequently throughout the day. This will prevent your natural oils from rubbing off. It is vital that you maintain a daily skin care routine when taking care of your dry skin. This will help maintain a naturally healthy look that you will love.

Mia LeCron is the founder of The Skin Care 411 - - devoted to helping individuals improve the appearance and look of their skin. Discover how you can stay at home and still attend the best skin care school today.

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Feb 10, 2007

The Real Truth About Treatment and Prevention

By Gloria MacTaggart

It is thought that moisturizers provide moisture for the skin. The truth is that moisture is naturally present in a healthy body and the skin naturally functions to prevent moisture loss. In fact, most moisturizers actually prevent the skin from performing that function. The real solutions to dry skin lie in enabling the body to produce the needed moisture and then preventing its loss. How is this accomplished? The first imperative is a diet that enhances moisture production. The second is using dry skin care products that lock moisture in without causing the damage most moisturizers can inflict. Here’s how you do it.

Let’s first address the diet. The bottom line is a balanced diet of fresh, natural foods – no cans, no boxes, no vegetables from the bag in the freezer and no processed meat and fish. Even then, when it comes to producing moisture, not all foods are created equal. Let’s look at those that are best for producing moisture...

Protein: Seafood, especially salmon, is great for the skin. In fact, some of the leading celebrity-status dermatologists recommend eating it almost every day. Chicken and turkey are also good choices. Go low on the beef. Also, don’t forget vegetables as a source of protein – tofu, beans, and so on.

Vegetables: The best way to eat vegetables is raw. However, if you’re not used to it you might want to start off with them lightly steamed – cooked, but still a little crunchy. You’ll need vegetables of all colors – lots of leafy greens and red and orange peppers. Also, make sure you include plenty of garlic and onions (and eggs – although they’re not a vegetable) as they are high in natural sulfur – another must to increase moisture and prevent dry skin.

Fruit: Raw and fresh, fruit provides the alpha-hydroxy acids that keep your skin pH balanced. Apples, grapes, blackberries and citrus fruits are best. Cherries and blueberries are excellent sources of antioxidants and more ammunition in the fight against free radicals.

Dairy: If you’re lucky enough to live in a state that allows raw dairy, do take advantage of it. It is easier to digest and is loaded with the essential fatty acids that provide moisture to the skin. Dairy is also high in glycolic acid which removes the excess dead skin cells that product flaky, dry skin.

Now that your body has the moisture it needs, the next step is to keep it in there and protect it against damage from the drying chemicals in your environment. The first step is to get rid of moisturizers that merely coat the skin with something soft and silky. Instead, use a shielding lotion. Shielding lotion is now recommended by thousands of dermatologists. It bonds with the outer layer of the skin to form a protective layer that locks in moisture, keeps out harsh, drying chemicals and still allows your skin to breath. Shielding lotion is state of the art dry skin care.

With the above routine, you’ll start seeing changes in your dry skin within a week. You’ll feel better, look better, and be on your way to optimum health.

Author, Gloria MacTaggart, is a freelance writer who contributes articles on skin care for The National Skin Care Institute. For more information, visit

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Eating Right to Achieve Beautiful Skin

By Michael Usry

When a person suffers from acne outbreaks, they are often confused and bewildered at what to do. Some questions they ask themselves may be; How did this happen? What can I do to get back to normal as quickly as possible? With so many products and homemade cures available, how do I know which one is the best for me? After all, we all have different skin types and genetics. So how am I going to get my hands on the right thing for myself? The answer may be found on a medicated pad, a facial cream, a bottle of prescription pills, or it could be as easy as making a few lifestyle changes that lead to better health and an improved complexion as well. It seems that sometimes no matter what we do there is always another break out right around the corner, but with a few simple changes you can better prevent and control your blemishes, or at least keep them to a minimal.

One of the most important aspects of preventing acne and maintaining healthy looking skin is diet. It makes sense that the things we eat are what builds and maintains our bodies, therefore it also makes sense that what comes out of our body is going to reflect those healthy or unhealthy diet choices. If you suffer from acne, you could be compounding the problem by what you are eating.... Foods that are high in fat and preservatives and low in nutritional value aggravate the pores by forcing the body to try and expel the impurities found in the food out through the skin. Think of it as you would a car; if you put gas with a bunch of mud in the tank, there’s a good chance it will get clogged and break down after a short period of time. The same applies to our bodies. Eating fatty, starchy foods fills our system with bad fuel that makes us not hungry for the right foods that contain the essential nutrients we need for better acne prevention.

The proper amount of vitamins, minerals, and fiber in your diet are known to be agents in good skin health. So be sure to eat foods that contain these important ingredients. Unfortunately, that’s not a big cheeseburger from your local fast food chain. These ingredients are found in fruits, vegetables, and other low-fat, highly nutritional foods.

A deficiency of vitamins is a known agent in causing acne outbreaks. This can lead to the exposure of bacteria that causes outbreaks.

Some people get acne outbreaks from an excess of stress. The vitamin B complex acts as a stress reliever. Because of the many types of B vitamin, an individual seeking a vitamin regiment to help fight off acne should consult a dermatologist before starting. A dermatologist can be very helpful in helping acne sufferers find the right solution to help. A healthy diet with a combination of topical solutions such as ProActive solution or Neutrogena is often one of the most effective ways to minimize acne outbreaks.

Vitamin C is arguably the most important nutrient for the body’s healthy function and maintained skin appearance. It is an essential ingredient in over 300 metabolic functions within the body. In addition, it is essential in preventing a number of illnesses and helps the body heal and repair itself more rapidly. It improves the immune system and enhances the endocrine system; which means Vitamin C has a direct link to how your skin and face look.

So take a look at your diet. If you drink carbonated, highly sugared soft drinks, switch over to plenty of juices and lots of water. Water is a natural flushing agent that purges your bodily systems and helps maintain clear skin. The juices will not only keep you away from the processed sugar found in candies and sodas, but it will also give your body many of the essential vitamins needed to fight acne causing agents. The same goes for food. Rather than trying to get enough vitamins through a multi-vitamin pill, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables not only to provide your body with essential nutrients but also to cut down on foods that will hurt your efforts of acne prevention. Apples and blueberries are said to be particularly effective in the prevention of new acne outbreaks.

Remember, your body is a machine that works for you. With a little effort and care, you can function and look better in your life. Good nutrition is one of the fundamental steps in making your beautiful skin a reality.

Michael Usry is the author of the online instructional articles "Beauty and Health in Plain English" and a top affiliate of>Proactive solution.

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Sexier Valentine Skin

By Naweko San-Joyz

Valentine’s Day is about love, lingerie, chocolate and doing whatever is necessary to look absolutely drop-dead gorgeous on this national day of passion. But looking great is not about happenstance, it about taking calculated steps to look fabulous.

Typical pre-Valentine pretty preparations include waxing, peels and facials. But, you do not want to do these things on Valentine’s Day. Instead, plan these cosmetic treatments around how the skin repairs itself after each treatment.

Have you ever had the experience of getting your eyebrows waxed only to notice that the next day your forehead is bubbling over with bumps? This ill-timed breakout can happen for several reasons...

Waxing removes the upper layers of the skin and brings deeply lodged dermal debris that surrounds the hair bulb to the surface of the skin. This combination of reduced skin protection and the addition of bacteria give pimples a chance to thrive.

To reduce the chances of an onslaught of zits, use a clay mask each day, around the area that you plan to wax, two days in advance of your waxing appointment. If you are waxing your entire face, use the clay mask on the entire face. Try to use a natural clay mask because a mask that contains too many chemical ingredients could make the skin more sensitive and pre-disposed to irritation from the waxing.

Depending on the color and thickness of your hair, waxing should be done at least one to two days in advance of your special occasion. This will give you enough time to be hairless, bump-less and red-less.

Facial Peels
If you are getting a mild to moderate face peel for Valentine’s Day, do it at least four to seven days in advance. This gives your skin time to reduce the redness associated with the peel and this repair phase also gives your skin time to expel dermal waste that may have caused mini bumps beneath the skin.

European Facials
If you have not learned this lesson yet, never get a European facial on the day of your special date. True European facials involve deep pore extraction to remove blemishes like blackheads, whiteheads and pustules. After deep pore extraction, your face may look worse than it did before you even walked into the spa.

No worries though. Your skin just needs one to two days to calm down after the deep cleansing. Depending on the level of congestion of your skin, you will need to do a facial two to seven days in advance of your hot Valentine’s date. For example, if your skin is heavily populated with about 20 pimples, you will want to have a facial a least a week in advance of Valentine's Day to give your skin adequate time to recover from the pores cleansing.

To help maintain the freshness of the facial cleansing, use a clay mask every other night after you have the facial done. The clay will continue to absorb excess oils and help your pores stay small.

If you are lucky enough to have minimal blemishes, you just need two days to recoup from your facial. You can also freshen up your facial by exfoliating your skin with a mixture of one part ground oatmeal and two parts water or a tablespoon of pureed fresh fruits like strawberries.

The key to remember about cosmetic services like waxing, peels and facials is that these are powerful treatments that cause a reaction in the skin. The main reason these treatments are so effective is that they cause evident changes in the skin like swelling and redness. As you prepare for an unforgettably fabulous Valentine’s Day, just remember to plan ahead to give your skin enough time to go from reactive to radiant.

Naweko Nicole Dial San-Joyz founded Noixia, a San Diego based research firm dedicated to helping people intelligently, safely and affordably enhance their image by offering custom skin solutions to people with acne scars on the face and body. San-Joyz She has appeared on radio stations, in newspapers and on TV shows across the United States promoting beauty through health consciousness. Anyone seeking to enhance their image and remove acne scarring can find custom, clinically proven solutions at

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Feb 9, 2007

Natural Cure for Head Louse Work

By Abbie Frank

The infection rate for head louse continues to explode around the world with no indication that this epidemic will slow anytime soon. The problem is that kids bring home head lice from the local day care centers or school. This in turn infects at least part of their family and the problem just continues to grow.

The next largest group to get head lice is women. Probably because women, especially teens, tend to share hair brushes, combs, and adornments such as hair bands etc. while sharing is normally a good thing, a person can end up with lice simply from trying on an infected persons hat....

Once you find out that any of your kids have a case of head lice, it's important that you take fast action to keep the rest of the family from contracting the parasites. Yes, a head louse is a bloodsucking bug that lives off of blood from your scalp. Okay, now everybody go ICK!

Natural Cures for Head Louse

You need to know that many of the claimed home remedies or natural treatments for head louse simply do not work. Many natural remedies such as olive oil work under the premise that a head louse can be suffocated and die. While head lice can indeed be suffocated, research has shown that they are able to survive being immersed in water over nine hours. So the idea of an easy natural cure is simply untrue.

Pesticide-based products have been used for years and are considered the most effective cure for a lice infestation. That said, products that contain neem oil have been shown to be the best natural treatment for lice.

The absolute best natural cure for head louse is not to get them in the first place. The old adage that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure is very accurate. When dealing with lice. To prevent head lice infestation in the first place, you need to train your children to be aware that any personal item that doesn't belong to them that touches their hair may have lice.

Although considered drastic by some, this advice passed on to your children can save you hours of trying to clean up a case of head lice. If however you or a family member already have lice, take direct action immediately to limit the problem.

Even if you do prefer a natural cure, consider commercially available shampoos, which have been shown to be extremely effective in killing the parasites. By closely following the directions, commercial products are the most effective solution to a growing lice problem

Abigail Franks has researched lice and head louse and found valuable information that could help you. On this site find information about head louse comonly known as head lice

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Very Easy To Practise Natural Skin Care

By Sarah H

When you say Natural skin care this can be interpreted to mean the different ways you choose to take care of your skin either, by dieting and exercise, or using natural organic skin care products to take care of your skin, so to be on the safe side here is a little of what both these process entails and what they will do to keep your skin healthy the natural way. First and foremost the number one cause of most of your skin problems is sugar, you should avoid sugar if you can or at least try to cut down on your intake because sugar is also known to be the cause of premature aging of the skin.

In order to maintain a healthy skin we should follow a good healthy diet on a daily basis by eating foods that are high in fiber such as whole grain bread, try eating brown rice instead of white rice, you know the saying about an apple a day, well have an apple skin and all and you'll keep the dermatologist away for sure. You may also want to eat some high fiber snacks such as nuts, dried fruit such as dates, figs and prunes, and ground flaxseeds, which you can easily sprinkle on almost anything you are eating including rice, oatmeal or salads. Also try eating some fats because essentially fatty acids are fats your body simply needs to survive, they are needed to make cell membranes, hormones and other essential chemicals of the body...

Exercise is one of the most important natural ways of maintaining a healthy body and when you have a healthy body your skin naturally becomes healthy. You should exercise on a daily basis, it does not have to be anything really strenuous, maybe you might want to try skipping rope or jumping on a trampoline. When you exercise by skipping you stimulate the lymphatic system, which relies on exercise and deep breathing to keep it moving in order to transport fats and other substances around the body and help to eliminate waste products from cells.

There are many products made from natural or organic ingredients such as herbs that are recommended for natural skin care. These products are water free, paraben-free and chemical free and change with the season allowing the skin to continually receive fresh organic nutrients. There are many products such as moisturizers, lotions, toners and the hydrating facial skin care which makes the skin vibrant and firm giving it a smooth, luminescent glow. So really it all depends on what sort of treatment you decide to choose for your skin either way you are sure to get great results.

Find more information and resources on skin care at Best Skin Care a website offering tips, advice and resources on topics such as acne aveda skin care, Mary Kay cosmetics line of products, bare minerals makeup and you can even find out how to tend skin.

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Feb 6, 2007

How to Remove Skin Tags

By Dee Cohen

A skin tag is a growth which consists of a bit of skin that is protruding from the body. Often they are more commonly found in areas of wrinkled skin or folds of skin on the body such as armpits, sides of the neck and in the groin area. Also they can be found on a person's eyelids or around their eyes. In this article we will at a number of different types of skin tag treatment that are available.

Skin tags are a common condition but often occur to people who are middle aged or older. They develop in both men and women as they grow older and they can either be skin colored or darker and they can range in size from 1mm to 5mm. Although they are a benign condition they do look unsightly. There are many treatments available for dealing with skin tags and in this article we will look at two of them.

1. Home Remedies

One form of treating skin tags is readily available and is applied topically on to the area either using a Q-tip or your finger.. It uses anti-viral oils which have been proven to effectively and gently remove skin tags. One oil used is tea tree oil but keep in mind this is very concentrated and it must be used a few times a day for the skin tag to be eliminated. When using such a product it is important that you read the instructions that come with it fully. A second home remedy for skin tags is to increase one's B vitamin dosage.

2. Surgical Treatment

The treatments often used for treating skin tags include excision with scissors, cautery or cryotherapy (where liquid nitrogen is used). Cryotherapy is where cold is introduced through a probe which has liquid nitrogen circulating through it. In order to destroy the diseased tissue it must be cooled to below -20 degree celisus.

As you can see skin tag treatment can be quite painless and if you should suffer from them it is best that you talk with your doctor about finding the best way to eliminate them.

Dee Cohen is a website publisher and author. Stop by where you can get tips on Skin Tag Treatment from experts.

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Feb 5, 2007

For Great Looking Lips

By Sarah H

There are a few tricks you can try to get those great looking kissable lips again, first off you should exfoliate your lips with the use of a toothbrush, it puts back color in your lips and leaves it feeling invigorated. You should use a lip balm or a moisturizing lipstick to keep your lips moist at all times, because dry lips are the number one cause of cracked and chafing lips. It is also recommended that you drink lots of water to help keep your lips hydrated from the inside out.

For those with thin lips, you should use a lip lining pencil and highlight the formation of your lips starting from right below your nose, you will notice that your lips form a small "M" shape, so emphasize this shape with your lip lining pencil, do this twice in order to get a good outline, now put on your lipstick following the outline you have just created with your lip lining pencil and you will notice that the "M" completely disappears and your lips looks a lot more as though they are pouting. Isn't this just an absolute fantastic little trick..

Now you should have realized by now that as you grow older your lip color seems to change and they are not as bright as they once were, this can also make you seem tired and look older than you really are, but not to worry help is here. You can soon fix this by applying a little extra color, be sure to carry some extra lipstick in your handbag at all times and whenever you get a chance just dab some on your lips to keep them looking bright and rich and soon you will be feeling good about your lips again.

If you have lipstick that feathers you should use a lip lining pencil to completely color the surface of the skin followed by a little touch of colorless lip gloss on top and you are all set to go. Another good tip is to keep a powder compact handy for emergency touch ups around the mouth especially as oil on your face can be an open invitation to start the feathering process all over again.

In the hot season such as summer, lips can become very parched and so it is important for you carry a lip balm that contains SPF factors with you at all times. It will help to keep your lips soft and smooth by applying a protective lip balm every day during the summer. If you decide that you would like to have your lips augmented, be sure to present your doctor with a photo of what you would like your lips to look like, this will help your physician in better planning how he is going to proceed with the operation.

Find more information and resources on skin care at a website offering tips, advice and resources on topics such as acne aveda skin care, Mary Kay Cosmetics Line , bare minerals makeup and you can even find out how to tend skin.

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Essential Steps To Look Your Best Naturally

By Georgina Leverink

How is it that some people just seem to glow with health? What is their secret? Well the secret to looking good on the outside is looking after yourself on the inside and maintaining a regular natural body and skin care regime.

Well that is all well and good but what do we do and how do we do it? Well in this article we will explore the 7 essential steps that you need to follow to achieve healthy glowing skin without the surgeons scalpel. Natural body and skin care is vital to ensure we don't look older than we feel.

Sunny days and warmer weather are sure to put the bounce back into everyone’s step but this also means we start to expose parts of our bodies that have been hidden for months on end. Because we cover-up we tend to forget that the skin on our bodies also needs looking after and nourishing all year round. Days spent sitting in air-conditioned offices or at home on top of the heater can all draw moisture out of our skin leaving us dehydrated and scaley making us susceptible to premature ageing..

To ensure your skin is in optimal condition and ready to face the world here are 7 essential steps you can follow:

1. Hydrate

Drink at least 8 glasses a day of clean, purified water. Not only can we hydrate our skin from the outside, but drinking at least 2 litres of water a day ensures our cells are adequately hydrated. We should increase the amount if it is very warm or very dry.

*Remember to drink over time and not to drink a large volume all at once

2. Cleanse, Exfoliate, Tone and Moisturize

A regular natural body and skin care routine comprising these four steps is crucial for skin health. When our skin is cared for and hydrated it remains plump and supple, thus less susceptible to the ravages of premature ageing.

3. Moisturise, moisturise, moisturise.

Our body’s need application of a good moisturiser every day the same as our faces. All too often we neglect the rest of our body and focus on our face. Applying a body cream every day will ensure we are hydrating our skin to maintain firmness and elasticity. Use a good natural Daily Body Crème every day following your shower whilst skin is still damp to lock in the moisture.

4. Stay Out of The Sun

Protect your skin against the sun’s harmful rays by wearing a good sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15. Wear it everyday, even on cloudy days as clouds do not block UV rays. Stay out of direct sunlight between 10am and 2pm when the rays are at their strongest.

5. Get a good night’s sleep.

Too little sleep makes you look and feel tired. Lack of sleep leaves telltale signs on our face giving us dark circles, bags and sagging skin. Most adults function best when they have had 8-9 hours of sleep each night. If you are having trouble sleeping try restricting caffeine and other stimulants during the day (with none in the evening), avoid eating after 8pm and try to establish a sleep routine whereby you go to bed and rise at the same times each day.

If your lack of sleep is troubling you, it’s important to discuss it with your healthcare provider.

6. Be active!

Exercise helps tone muscle, gets the blood flowing, alleviates stress and increases energy.

7. Eat a Healthy Diet

Focus your diet more on whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts and seeds. What you eat directly affects how you look, feel and function so it is of the utmost importance that you eat a healthy diet and restrict your intake of fatty, high sugar foods. A treat every now and then and in moderation can be good for your spirit but must not be consumed every day. You are what you eat so establish a healthy eating plan and you will reap the rewards.

The essential steps to healthy skin are simple but crucial. Spending a few minutes a day on a natural body and skin care regime and implementing changes to our diet and habits are all easily achieved. You just have to commit yourself to wanting to change your health for the better.

Make sure you use good quality natural body and skin care products to care for your skin. The products you choose should not contain any toxic, harmful chemicals and be based on natural, vegetable derived ingredients. Take this test, if you can't pronounce the ingredients then you shouldn't be putting it on your body.

Looking for high quality all natural body and skin care products? Then visit where you will find natural and organic skin care products made from the highest quality, all natural ingredients. Georgina Leverink is the founder and creator of the Clariscents range of natural and organic skin care products.

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Feb 3, 2007

A Skin Tag

By Mike Rogers

Skin tags are known by several names. Acrochordans and Papillomas are words used by dermatologists to describe skin tags, but, despite the ominous sounding medical terminology, they are no more than small skin growths that can appear anywhere there is skin.

Although skin tags can grow anywhere, the areas on which they are most likely to be found are the neck, eyelids, groin, armpits and upper chest. Skin tags also seem to affect women more than men and are much more prevalent on people who have reached middle age.

Skin tags usually start out as small soft bumps but then grow into pieces of protruding skin which hang from the body by a stalk, or peduncle, and are not painful unless irritated by rubbing against clothing such as a shirt collar..

Although unsightly, skin tags are more of an annoyance than a threat to your health. They are simply benign growths on the body. They may be smooth or irregular and vary in color from light to dark. They are common and may be found in small clusters or completely by themselves.

Skin tag removal can be accomplished in several different ways and is usually very simple. Cutting the tag off even with the skin is one such procedure. This can be done with scissors or a scalpel but care must be taken to make certain that infection does not set in after the surgery. Burning or freezing is also a common method that doctors use to remove the tag.

Recently, a report has emerged outlining a procedure whereby needle holders or small forceps were soaked in liquid nitrogen for 15 seconds and then applied to the base of the skin tag for 10 seconds. According to the doctor who wrote the report, the patients reported only a tiny stinging sensation as the only discomfort felt and the skin tag usually falls off within 7 days after its application. This procedure seems very promising due to the lack of the possibility of infection and absence of the pain felt by other current methods.

For those who do not wish to endure the pain or cannot afford the price of a medical procedure, fear not, there are also several natural remedies that can be tried at home. Some of these remedies include saturating the skin tag with crushed garlic and olive oil then covering with a band aid.

Insurance companies see the removal of skin tags as cosmetic rather than health related and will generally not pay for the medical procedure required to be rid of them. Therefore, if one wishes to have the skin tags removed surgically, one must be prepared to pay full price.

If you found this article informative, visit my web site at for additional information and links to resources for treatment.

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Tips For Great Looking Skin

By Sarah H

Ayurveda is the integration of balancing the mind, body, soul and senses. This system of healing includes eating the right thing at the right time and adapting healthy daily lifestyles such as meditation and maintaining a purity of the mind and soul. The connection between the mind and the body not only controls the process of thoughts but also helps the body in daily activities such as blood circulation, respiration, digestion and the purging process.

The two main purposes of Ayurveda are to maintain a healthy body and to heal the unhealthy body by making it pure and whole, though the balancing of the mind, body, soul and senses. This can be achieved by eating a proper diet, having a healthy daily routine, a good lifestyle and by practicing positive actions and activities. Ayurveda is all about the body and soul coming together as one. Everybody knows that the mind controls our actions and our thoughts, so you should choose to practice having healthy thoughts which would produce healthy actions on your part, and thus maintain a healthy body...

Ayurveda offers a wide variety of products including herbs, to help you get great looking skin and some helpful tips to guide you along the way. First off it is important for you to cleanse your face every day because cleansing removes the dust and dirt that clog your pores. You should do this twice a day if you have normal skin but if your skin is oily you should practice this at least four times a day in order to keep the excess oil from building up. Although soap and water removes impurities they are not quite as capable as removing makeup so for this you should use a cleansing cream or a lotion of cleansing foam or gel, but be sure that they are suited for your type of skin.

Exfoliating is a must in order to maintain healthy skin as it removes the dead skin cells which is often the cause of blocked pores, exposing the newer cells. Toning should also be a major part of your daily routine, because toning helps restore the ph level of your skin, leaving it fresh and clean and also closes the pores and tighten the skin giving you a younger beautiful look. Finally you must not forget to moisturize your skin because it leaves your skin soft and reflects a healthy glow and also helps the skin to age less quickly. Be sure and use a light moisturizer after cleansing your face because too much moisturizer can lead to clogged pores which can cause acne and other skin problems.

Find more information and resources on skin care at a website offering tips, advice and resources on topics such as acne aveda skin care, free bare minerals makeup, Estee Lauder cosmetics, and you can even find out about Mary Kay cosmetics.

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