Skin Care Tips 4 You

It's All About Skin Care Treatment For You friends...

Feb 9, 2007

Very Easy To Practise Natural Skin Care

By Sarah H

When you say Natural skin care this can be interpreted to mean the different ways you choose to take care of your skin either, by dieting and exercise, or using natural organic skin care products to take care of your skin, so to be on the safe side here is a little of what both these process entails and what they will do to keep your skin healthy the natural way. First and foremost the number one cause of most of your skin problems is sugar, you should avoid sugar if you can or at least try to cut down on your intake because sugar is also known to be the cause of premature aging of the skin.

In order to maintain a healthy skin we should follow a good healthy diet on a daily basis by eating foods that are high in fiber such as whole grain bread, try eating brown rice instead of white rice, you know the saying about an apple a day, well have an apple skin and all and you'll keep the dermatologist away for sure. You may also want to eat some high fiber snacks such as nuts, dried fruit such as dates, figs and prunes, and ground flaxseeds, which you can easily sprinkle on almost anything you are eating including rice, oatmeal or salads. Also try eating some fats because essentially fatty acids are fats your body simply needs to survive, they are needed to make cell membranes, hormones and other essential chemicals of the body...

Exercise is one of the most important natural ways of maintaining a healthy body and when you have a healthy body your skin naturally becomes healthy. You should exercise on a daily basis, it does not have to be anything really strenuous, maybe you might want to try skipping rope or jumping on a trampoline. When you exercise by skipping you stimulate the lymphatic system, which relies on exercise and deep breathing to keep it moving in order to transport fats and other substances around the body and help to eliminate waste products from cells.

There are many products made from natural or organic ingredients such as herbs that are recommended for natural skin care. These products are water free, paraben-free and chemical free and change with the season allowing the skin to continually receive fresh organic nutrients. There are many products such as moisturizers, lotions, toners and the hydrating facial skin care which makes the skin vibrant and firm giving it a smooth, luminescent glow. So really it all depends on what sort of treatment you decide to choose for your skin either way you are sure to get great results.

Find more information and resources on skin care at Best Skin Care a website offering tips, advice and resources on topics such as acne aveda skin care, Mary Kay cosmetics line of products, bare minerals makeup and you can even find out how to tend skin.

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